The Geneva Association is an universal research organization for deliberately imperative protection and danger administration issues.
The Geneva Association distinguishes key patterns and vital issues where protection assumes a considerable part or which impact the protection area. Through the improvement of exploration projects, normal distributions and the association of worldwide gatherings, The Geneva Association expects to upgrade the understanding of danger and protection matters and goes about as a data maker and disseminator. It goes about as the voice of the biggest protection bunches worldwide in the dialog with universal establishments. In parallel, it propels in monetary and social terms—the advancement and application of danger administration and the understanding of instability in the cutting edge economy.
In this part, it is fundamentally concerned with contemplating atmosphere hazard and the part protection can play in a fiasco hazard diminishment; the increasing expenses identified with maturing populaces, either in long haul consideration, age-related sicknesses, for example, dementia, or retirement financing; obligation concerns; and the issue of monetary strength in protection and the improvement of an effective administrative system.
Built in 1973, The Geneva Association, formally the "Worldwide Association for the Study of Insurance Economics", is situated in Geneva, Switzerland and is a non-benefit association subsidized by its individuals.
The Geneva Association enrollment involves a statutory most extreme of 90 Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) from the world's top protection and reinsurance organizations. It sorts out global master systems and oversees discourse stages for senior protection officials and authorities and also approach producers, controllers and multilateral associations. The Chairman of The Geneva Association is right now Mike McGavick, CEO of XL Group.
The General Secretariat handles the day by day operations of the Association. Its work is steered by the Secretary General, and the Deputy Secretary General and Head of Research. As of now these positions are held separately by Anna Maria D'Hulster and Dr Shaun Wang.
The majority of The Geneva Association's exercises are sought after by method for exploration, productions and the association of global gatherings. What's more, The Geneva Association sorts out global master systems and oversees talk stages for senior protection officials and experts and strategy creators, controllers, scholastics and worldwide associations. The Geneva Association's yearly General Assembly is the most prestigious social event of driving protection CEOs around the world. Speakers at The Geneva Association's courses have included Nobel Prize victors, for example, Kenneth J. Arrow,[1] Josef Stiglitz,[2] and additionally critical figures of the political and monetary coliseum, for example, previous British Prime Minister Tony Blair; leader of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde; previous U.S. VP Al Gore; Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne; and Governor of the Bank of England and Chairman of the FSB, Mark Carne
Geneva, September 22, 1971 Association in the hands of the people in this building panel was formed to meet unprecedented in Paris, created under the action of the board:
Mr. Emil Frey, General Manager-ER Versicherung Mannheim (Mannheim);
Sir George Martin, President, Royale Belge (Brussels);
Mr. Ernest Meyer, General Manager, aliyanja (Munich);
Mr. Fabio Padoa, Administrator, Assicurazioni Generali (Trieste); and,
Mr. Bernard Pagezy, President, La Paternal (Paris).
Assembly of the Association of Geneva's base camp paternelle (the AXA Group, one piece), February 27, 1973 in Paris occurred. I accompanied the president and chief executive of the institution has been narrated by: aliyanja, Germany Munich Ruck, Aachener and Munich, and Victoria; Commercial Union, and the United Kingdom for the Royal Mercantile and General; Austria Erste Allgemeine; For Belgium, Royale Belge; UAP for France, favicon, paternelle, Préservatrice and SAFR; For Italy, RAS, Royal really, INA and Fondiaria; Switzerland The Netherlands National Nederlanden, and Swiss Re.
Geneva Association, the President of the French Prime Minister 1981-1976, Professor Raymond bar was.
The Association and Protection of the danger of Geneva has been created with the aim of advancing research in the financial
Former Presidents of The Geneva Association:
Mr Raymond Barre †, Paris (1973-1976)
Mr Fabio Padoa †, Trieste (1976-1983)
Mr Julius Neave †, London (1983-1986)
Prof. Dr Dr e.h. Reimer Schmidt †, Aachen (1986-1990)
Sir Brian Corby, London (1990-1993)
Drs. Jan H. Holsboer, Amsterdam (1993-1999)
Mr Walter Kielholz, Zurich (1999-2003)
Mr Henri de Castries, Paris (2003-2008)
Mr Martin J. Sullivan, New York (2008)
Mr Jacques Aigrain, Zurich (2008-2009)
Dr Nikolaus von Bomhard, Münich (2009-2013)
Former Secretaries General of The Geneva Association:
Prof. Orio Giarini, Geneva (1973–2000)
Mr Patrick M. Liedtke, Geneva (2000–2012)
Mr John H. Fitzpatrick, Geneva/Basel (2012-2014
Today, The Geneva Association has individuals from 28 nations far and wide. Its individuals are the Chief Executive Officers of the biggest insurance agencies on the planet and they are individuals in an individual limit. As far as possible to the quantity of individuals is 90. Applications of new individuals are analyzed by the Board of Directors at the proposition of the Chairman and, if suggested, are submitted to the General Assembly for endorsement by lion's share vote.
Key research topics
Financial stability and regulation
After the money related emergency emitted in 2008, The Geneva Association set up an extraordinary working gathering particularly to investigate the relationship between systemic danger, monetary dependability and protection. The Association has since distributed ten reports, mulls over or articles[4] on different parts of budgetary security and regulation in protection, including the recognizable proof of systemic danger, assignment strategy, surrenders, protection and determination, variable annuities, and worldwide capital models.
Through both the Insurance and Finance and PROGRES projects of The Geneva Association, there has been a progressing dialog with the IAIS and other supervisory bodies. In the exchanges on systemic danger regulation notwithstanding, a large number of associations, for example, the G-20, the IMF, the OECD to give some examples, have ended up included and persuasive in the setting of new protection systemic danger regulations. Thus, the Association has increased its discourses and on a few events, has captivated these different associations specifically as open letters or remarks to address focuses made.
Climate risk
En mayo de 2008, la Asamblea General en 2008, tras un mandato de sus miembros, desde el principio de la Asociación de Ginebra, la industria de seguros es uno de los más versátiles en respuesta a los desafíos del cambio climático y sus seguros (CC i) proyecto de investigación.
06 de septiembre 2010, la Asociación de Ginebra y otras tres iniciativas (ClimateWise, MCII y el PNUMA-Fi) en el mundo en desarrollo para ayudar a implementar las medidas de adaptación al cambio climático en las estrategias de gestión de riesgos y experiencia en seguros para aprovechar el mundo pide al Gobierno lanzó un comunicado conjunto. El aumento de costo económico y humano del cambio climático en el contexto del mundo en desarrollo, la declaración del gobierno para aumentar la seguridad y reducir la vulnerabilidad de la población mundial y de las economías en desarrollo para discutir cómo se puede desbloquear el potencial es.
"La industria de seguros se enfrenta al riesgo de clima mundial cada país y para proporcionar servicios especiales para se encuentran las empresas los riesgos climáticos aseguradoras en una amplia gama de soluciones para el desarrollo de los seguros privados asequibles no se especializa mecanismos seguros para promover la reducción de la gestión de riesgos relacionados con el clima y es una herramienta eficaz..; Asociación de Ginebra, los grupos de interés puede tener éxito por sí solo para resolver el desafío del cambio climático reconoce que. de Seguros y la orientación en el marco de un proceso más amplio que será un fuerte complemento ". [5]
En 2011, el nombre del proyecto del Riesgo Climático y Seguros (CR + i) ha sido cambiado. Objetivo de la investigación relacionada con el clima es identificar y analizar:
El costo de tales reclamaciones en el futuro, las nuevas oportunidades de negocio, y la situación es probable que probar la gama de temas de interés para la industria de los seguros, en particular; y
Para mitigar el impacto de los desastres naturales sobre los desafíos externos, como el papel del Estado y la cooperación público-privada, los niveles políticos, educativos y sociales, que deben abordarse.
Con este fin, la Asociación de Ginebra sobre la reducción del clima y del riesgo de desastres ha publicado varios informes y estudios, [6] En 2011, una revisión, y, en particular, por el reciente tsunami en Japón, tales como el calentamiento del océano, un estudio sobre la marca.
Puede jugar un papel sustancial en la póliza de seguro es un repertorio de normas - de 41 a Asamblea General en Toronto, seguros líder en el mundo 67 jefes ejecutivos en el siguiente 20 de mayo 2014 la declaración de los riesgos climáticos Asociación de Ginebra, declaración de Riesgo Climático de la Asociación de Ginebra confirmando su compromiso con el esfuerzo global para hacer frente a riesgos climáticos . La declaración de la Asociación de Ginebra, que se basa en la dirección de las iniciativas relacionadas con el clima futuros basados en la oferta.
El comunicado, firmado en 2009 con la firma de las declaraciones adicionales de Kioto, lo que refleja los últimos datos científicos confirmados. Michael Butt, Eje capital y el seguro de riesgo climático y Copresidente del presidente del grupo de trabajo, dijo que el clima de declaraciones de riesgo, políticas, organizaciones no gubernamentales, clientes, además de ofrecer un punto de referencia para la industria de seguros en sí, la forma en que los seguros para mitigar y adaptarse al cambio climático y los esfuerzos globales para cumplir puede. Contribución considerable al esfuerzo global para reducir el impacto del cambio climático en nuestra industria, pero los órganos de gobierno y de gobernanza mundial como las Naciones Unidas requerirá una mayor cooperación para alcanzar su pleno potencial.,
Asamblea General de la Declaración de Toronto de la Asociación de Ginebra, habló del ex vicepresidente estadounidense Al Gore, recibió el apoyo total:, la industria de seguros de riesgo climático se ha iniciado mucho antes, y no tenía que hacer más con esta norma. La política de mitigación de riesgos en la industria, ya que tiene la capacidad de trabajar con relacionados con el clima. Las fuerzas del mercado están apalancados funcionarios y reguladores elegidos sabiamente están involucrados, el seguro tiene mucho que ofrecer, y esto puede ayudar a hacer frente a graves problemas en el mundo. La mayoría de la gente no quiere preocuparse por los riesgos a largo plazo. Ahora nuestro mundo haya enfrentado, se enfrenta a los riesgos más graves que deben introducirse en el mundo de los seguros para el consejo. Gire, las aseguradoras sobre los desafíos que necesitan para ser más vocal.,
Global ageing
Pensions and policy challenges retirement financing costs represent the costs of retirement, retirement is not adequately challenged the Advanced longevity and lower rates of fertility since 2010, largely due to the crisis of European sovereign debt the policy response to the key issues. [7] and live the life of a growing number of support pension Adding these concerns, the age-related diseases such as dementia, rising health care costs and an aging population.
Geneva Association in its life and pensions and raise challenges that are needed more urgently than are now offering solutions for many years been studying these issues through programs of Health and Ageing. [8]
US Public Pension Crisis
December 3, 2013, Detroit Chapter 9 bankruptcy is the largest city in the US legally became eligible. Its growing deficits and large pension deficit, however, is not an isolated incident. Across the country, state, or more than a trillion dollars in deficit financing have been published.
The crisis in its report, the Geneva Association and the annual required contribution examines the issue of the crisis of non-payment and pension are some of the most important challenges to overcome an unbalanced structure suggests.
The executive summary of the report
Actuarially proposed • A 2010 report from the United States, the Pew Center for Retirement Systems of state and local policy choices and lack of financial discipline, to make annual payments to the pension system as highlights failures trillion dollar deficit levels and long-term costs regardless of the wide range of facilities. Most States (34), 80 percent below the level of the fund.
Such as social security, financial supervision with the support of employers (2) a company pension system, (3) personal savings (1) using a universal public system: • The Geneva Association, an approach four pillars to the pension plan long term has the support of financial intermediaries and (4) was removed by partial removal of barriers to employment, continued employment.
• the four pillars of a public system or individual savings single-species finance and / or public agency in the individual's ability to adequately fund retirement. Geneva Association also withdrew following the ban on the use of human capital has been the highlight of unnecessary losses. The human capital, the ability to generate revenue, ie society, especially the aging of the population, should be valuable.
• The Geneva Association for solving the pension crisis requires further study
Meetings, seminars and conferences
To achieve its main objective, the Geneva Association meeting organized or co-organized a series of seminars and conferences. Geneva is the most important meeting of the Association are held every year in the General Assembly. On this occasion, the key economic issues, member of leading insurance CEO in the world, along with guest speakers from inside and outside the industry regulators and special observers are discussed. In 2010, the United Kingdom, Tony Blair, former Prime Minister, in a given discourse. As of 2010, derived from the general meeting, the decision was taken at a meeting of the Association of Geneva talks and presentations designed to provide hindsight, the General Assembly to review the product. His research regularly connects to the Geneva Association, which organizes international conferences. [9]
Awards, fellowships and awards
Grants and Audit Economy Award of the Association of Geneva and research awarded each year promoting their role in a series of investigations. Rewards risk and insurance economy generally conducted as a doctoral dissertation,, two fellowships for research. Up to CHF 3000 to subsidize the costs of printing and high quality work to help support the Risk and Insurance Economics at the University of expression is the author of the article.
Geneva / Award IIS Research Association in Geneva Association and the International Insurance Society (IIS) to sponsor applied research in the area of insurance with the insurance business leaders have joined the program. The objective of the research program of the current business issues and concerns of senior insurance executives of the world to address the problems, which is the main research-oriented practice are made. The daily business operations of the program and a real business concerns or issues affecting the operational level to investigate matters that are designed to meet a business requirement. Researchers at the International Insurance Society, the research presented at the annual meeting of businessmen. Research published in Geneva Risk and Insurance-Issues and Practices in a special edition of the magazine is distributed by IIS and the Association of Geneva. Research Award for the best qualified work is presented in an amount of up to $ 10,000.
Ernst-Meyer received the Geneva Risk and reward Association of Insurance is often an important and original contribution to the study of the economy, which makes it a doctoral thesis, University of the prestigious Ernst-Meyer awarded annually on the basis of study.
Research Grants Each year, the Association of economic theory and practice in a variety of subjects, two fellowships for research on the economics of risk and insurance deals.
Geneva Association address different audiences six different ways:
Two journals, Geneva Risk and insurance issues and Practice Paper and Geneva Risk and Insurance Review (formerly Geneva Risk and Insurance Theory paper);
Research reports, presentations and industry, politics and academic white papers on key issues of concern:
Otherwise known as Geneva Reports on the main topic of discussion throughout the year, a portion of the ad hoc reports;
Seven different newsletters;
Conference documents or papers for conferences and meetings; and,
Personal and / or books written by outside contributors Geneva Association.
Risks and Issues Insurance and Practice Papers Geneva [10] [11] established in 1976 and published quarterly by Palgrave, the insurance industry Papers Geneva to increase scientific knowledge and stimulate constructive dialogue between industry, which publishes articles on both economic and social partners. It is a deep understanding of the strategic options for the field you are searching for academics and researchers who have insurance, the insurance industry is essential reading for executives and other professionals. It highlights the overlapping areas of interest and provide research and mutually beneficial dialogue, to bridge the gap between these groups.
Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, [12] [13] The economy academic goals and university scholars. Subject to annual review of the two volumes published by Palgrave Macmillan. Support of its objectives and results, and provides a forum for the exchange of expert views on the risks, uncertainties and insurance organization is to promote the study of economics.
Research reports, presentations and white papers, [14] as well as the financial stability of the Association of Geneva and climate risks (such as ocean warming), like the study. The document is intended to prepare and respond to the draft policy documents, when (eg 'global importance' and insurers of the 28 largest in the world designed as a comparative study between industry comparing 28 banks) support the presentation of their research to the public consultation by the regulatory agency.
Geneva Report [15] series of analyzes that justify special service numbers and addresses of strategic importance to the insurance industry. Series "as is" and published in printed and electronic versions are available. Topics covered climate change, disaster risk reduction, global aging and retirement funds, and have included the effects of the credit crisis.
World Fire Statistics Newsletter, as well as throughout the year, is published in major research activities [16] Seven newsletter. Without the insurance and financial and World Fire Statistics, published every two years. Are distributed in hard copy and electronic newsletters.
Conference paper [17] This series of working papers of the Association of Geneva. This document issued by the center or the Geneva Conference of the Association, special reports, and the final results of the investigation. Use of this document is limited to those who have the most private area, the virtual library of the Association of Geneva is free. Geneva Association Working Paper Series Etudes et Dossiers appears 10-12 times a year at irregular intervals. Limited distribution. Hard copy is automatically sent to all members of the Association of Geneva.
An analysis of the financial stability of insurance and published in March 2010, and books performances - such as systemic risk and insurance, insurance seminal reports on systemic risk in relation to its research program in Geneva Association published book, all the information economy and the end of 2010, the Geneva Association available online.
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